School Life
Our 2024 Staff
Learning & Curriculum
BOSTES (Board of Studies Teaching & Educational Standards NSW) determines the curriculum to be taught in all NSW State, Catholic, and Independent Schools.
The curriculum is divided into Six Key Learning Areas and syllabus documents to inform what is to be taught in each area. These include:
- English
- Mathematics
- Human Society and It’s Environment (Incorporating History from 2016)
- Science and Technology
- Creative Arts
- Personal Development, Health, and Physical Education
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Representing
- Be confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent, and interpret situations in their personal and work lives and as active citizens.
- Develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with Mathematical processes, and be able to pose and solve problems and reason in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.
- Recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate mathematics as an accessible, enjoyable discipline to study, and an important aspect of lifelong learning.
The three broad strands of Mathematics K-6 are:
- Number and Algebra
- Measurement and Geometry
- Statistics and Probability
Science and Technology
The aim of Science and Technology is to:
- Foster students’ sense of wonder and expand their natural curiosity about the world around them in order to develop their understanding of, interest in, and enthusiasm for science and technology
- Develop students’ competence and creativity in applying the processes of Working Scientifically and Working Technologically to appreciate and understand the Natural Environment and Made Environment
- Enhance student’s confidence in making evidence-based decisions about the influences of science and technology in their lives
- Enable students to confidently respond to needs and opportunities when designing solutions relevant to science and technology in their lives.
The two skill strands in S&T K-6 are…
- Working Scientifically
- Working Technologically
The two knowledge and understanding strands in S&S T K-6 are…
- Natural Environment
- Made Environment
Human Society & It’s Environment
The aim of Human Society and It’s Environment is to develop in students the values and attitudes, skills, and knowledge and understandings that:
- Enhance their sense of personal, community, national and global identity
- Enable them to participate effectively in maintaining and improving the quality of their society and environment
The aim of the History syllabus is to stimulate students’ interest in and enjoyment of exploring the past, to develop a critical understanding of the past and it’s impact on the present, to develop the critical skills of historical inquiry and to enable students to participate as active, informed, and responsible citizens.
The four broad strands of HSIE K-6 are:
- History
- Cultures
- Environments
- Social Systems and Cultures
Creative Arts
Creative Arts are designed to enable students to gain increasing understanding and accomplishment in the visual arts, music, drama, and dance and for students to appreciate the meanings and values that each of the artforms offer personally, culturally and as forms of communication.
The four strands of Creative Arts K-6 are:
- Music
- Dance
- Drama
- Visual Arts
- Active Lifestyle
- Games and Sport
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Personal Health Choices
- Safe Living
Religious Education
Our aim is to support the efforts of parents by providing a school community of faith in which children can know and experience God’s love and grow in their relationships within themselves, others, and God.
St St. Patrick’s Parish School Religious Education Curriculum is based on “Sharing Our Story” program which was written originally by the Diocese of Parramatta and has been adopted by the Catholic Schools Office – Diocese of Wagga Wagga.
Sharing Our Story is organised in eight strands:
- God
- Jesus
- Church
- Sacraments
- Scripture
- Christian Life
- Prayer
- Religion and Society
Parents receive two written reports each year at the end of the semester via the Compass Portal. The reports provide infornaiton abou your childs learning in each subject for that semester.

Special Programs
Early Intervention Program
As per our Catholic Education Diocese of Wagga Wagga policy, the progress of all children in their first years of schooling is regularly monitored and evaluated. Those children considered to require assistance are helped by:
Personalised Plans
Devised by the Resource Teacher in consultation with the class teacher.
Reading Recovery Program
Children requiring assistance with reading at the end of their first year of schooling may join the Reading Recovery Program. This program provides the children with half-hour a day individual reading assistance by a trained Reading Recovery Teacher. There are criteria for selection and individual assessments are conducted to ascertain the needs of individual children.
Children with Special Needs
Children with intellectual, sensory, physical, and emotional disabilities or specific learning difficulties are catered for within the integration program. This program provides personalised plans which set objectives, monitors and evaluates their individual progress, catering for their personal needs. Programs are devised by a support team which may include people within the educational and medical systems. Children are supported within the classroom situation by an integration assistant in consultation with the classroom teacher.

School Facilities
St Patrick’s has all the tools and facilities to ensure each students can maximise their potential.
There is plenty of room for children to explore and run out doors in our large school yard, state of the art stadium and hall including an outdoor under cover area and bright welcoming classooms.
Combine this with modern technology via smart boards and tablets and each student has a great opportunity to excel in all learning areas.
School Council
St Patrick’s School Council consists of representatives from staff, parents, and the Parish.
It serves several key roles for the school community. It consists of several sub committees: library, fundraising, social, clothing pool, golf day, or gardening.
Council has no immediate responsibility or influence toward day-to-day operations of the school, but is a conduit for parents to raise issues that may be of value to the school.