Parent information
General Information
Messages During the Day
All parents bringing messages, lunches, or materials to the school during the day, must leave them at the front office with the school office staff who will ensure that they get to the appropriate class. This practice ensures that teaching/learning time is not interrupted.
Bus Transport
Please go to the NSW Department of Transport to apply for a bus pass for your child. Bus passes are handed out to the students once they are received from the bus company.
Labelling children’s clothing and other possessions will help ensure that anything that is lost is returned. If your clothing item is pre-loved please make sure your own child’s name is on the item. Lost property is located near the office and is sorted each Term and where possible, returned. Items not claimed are donated to the school’s clothing pool.
Student Absences
Student absences should be reported to the school via Compass. If this is not possible, please call the school office before 9:45am. Alternatively, a note should be sent when the child returns to school. If the absence is not medical and is a period of 10 days or longer an “Absence Exemption” form must be completed by parents or caregivers. This is forwarded to the Principal and a note is then given to the parents, signed by the Principal with approval. If it is a medical absence, a doctor’s certificate must be provided. IF a child needs to leave the school between 9:00AM and 3:00PM, please place an Attendance note in Compass or phone the school. No parents are to go to classrooms during school hours.
Click here for Absence Exemption Form.
Teachers supervise children between the hours of 8:20AM to 3:30PM each day from Monday to Friday.
Special arrangements will be made in relation to authorised school activities which require attendance of students at the school outside these hours, such as excursions or sports afternoons which conclude after 3:00PM and for which normal supervision will be provided.
Office staff are available from 8:20AM to 4:00PM Monday – Thursday and 8:20PM to 3:30PM Friday to answer any enquiries. The office is unattended during school holidays.
Sun Smart
St Patrick’s School implements Sun Smart principles as outlined by the CEDWW with a ‘no hat, play in the shade’ policy for Terms 1 & 4.
Children are encouraged to apply sunscreen before coming to school. Sunscreen is available for children to apply during the day.
There is seating under most trees with plenty of shade areas for children to play and the Infants Department has shelter over the quadrangle. There is also a large COLA at the front of our Mercy Hall.
Each year level hosts an assembly in our School Hall during the year (i.e. all year 3 classes together). The purpose of the assembly is to showcase class work and can involve learning areas: literacy, music, poetry, drama, and prayer.
Merit awards are presented to students from each class to acknowledge achievements and encourage students.
Please check the Calendar to view Class Assembly Dates. The end of year assembly is held in December and is also the Year 6 Award Ceremony.
Books and Supplies
Students are provided with text books, exercise books, pencils, ruler and glue stick at the beginning of the year. These are included in the book fee.
Each class has a list of classroom requirements. These are given out at the end of each year, ready for the start of classes the following year. These are in to the notes section.
Art/Crafts and sporting equipment is provided by the school.
School Hours
School begins at 8:50AM and concludes at 3:00PM.
Recess – 10:50AM to 11:20AM.
Lunch – 1:25PM to 1:55PM.
School Ends – 3:00PM.

The Tuckshop is open 3 days a week (Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday), and our co-ordinator is Liz Ball.
Recess is available and each item is $2. Via the QKR app or over the counter (please make sure correct money is provided).
To order your child’s lunch, use the QKR tuckshop App and place your order prior to 8:55AM, or alternatively place the correct money a brown paper bag. This is then placed in the classroom esky and delivered to the canteen each morning. The esky is then returned to the classroom prior to lunch with orders enclosed.
School Newsletters
Uniform Information
For safety reasons, the wearing of jewellery is restricted at St Patrick’s Parish School. Students with pierced ears are required to wear studs. No other jewellery is permitted.
Under no circumstances is make-up to be worn to school.
Hair styles are expected to be neat, tidy, and be of natural colouring. Hair below the collar needs to be tied back at all times.
Nail polish is not permitted
The wearing of correct uniform and personal presentation is a sign of pride in ourselves and our school community.
- Khaki Shorts
- Khaki Shirt
- Khaki School Socks
- Black School shoes or Sandals (with closed toes & without socks)
- Hat (available from school clothing pool)
- Long Grey Trousers
- Green Shirt, School Tie (Green with Gold Stripes)
- Grey Pullover, Green/Gold Bands
- Grey Socks
- Black School Shoes
Sports Uniform
- Green Shorts
- School T-Shirt
- White Socks, Sports Shoes
- Tracksuit – Bottle Green with Gold
- Trim Jacket / Bottle Green Pants
- Green/White Check Dress
- White School Socks
- Black School Shoes
- Sandals (With Closed Toes & Without Socks)
- Hat (Available from School Clothing pool)
- Bottle Green Tunic or Pants
- Fawn Shirt
- School Tie (Plain Green)
- Bottle Green Pullover/Gold Bands)
- Fawn Socks or Stockings
- Black School Shoes
Sports Uniform
- Green Shorts or Green Skirt
- School T-Shirt
- White Socks, Sports Shoes (Runners acceptable, no glitter, lights, etc…)
- Tracksuit – Bottle Green Zip Jacket & Pants with Gold Logo.
- All Weather Jacket. Green/Gold/White Stripe to be worn only as Jacket.
School bags, hats, and reading wallets as well as second hand items of uniform are all available from the school clothing pool. This is run by volunteer parents each Friday. If you are unable to make it to the clothing pool at this time, please send a note along to the office with your order and it can be filled by the volunteers on the day.
Clothing Pool Open: Term 2 Thursdays – 2:30PM to 3:15PM
School Uniforms are available from the following local stores:
1104 Mate Street, North Albury.
514 Olive Street, Albury

Pastoral Care
“Our love is not to be just words or mere talk, but something real and active; only by this can we be certain that we are children of the truth”
1 John 3:18-19
St Patrick’s School community believes that healthy functioning families, in all their diverse forms, are an indication of the well-being of society. The whole community needs to give families all the encouragement and assistance they require to continue their role in our society.

Parent Workshops
Centacare Catholic Family Services is a social welfare agency of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Wagga Wagga and a member of a wider network of Catholic welfare agencies called Catholic Welfare Australia.
Centacare regularly conduct parenting workshops. These bring parents together to share and extend their skills in order to develop better relationships with their children.
Visit the Centacare website here
School Counsellor
Within St Patrick’s Parish School, Centacare Catholic Family Services offers a School Counselling Program. The Counsellor provides counselling and/or support for children, families and the school community. Specific areas of support include: grief and loss, conflict resolution and bullying. If you would like support form the School Counsellor, please contact the Principal for further details and availability.
(02) 6921 2996
566 Macauley Street, Albury NSW 2640, PO Box 3143.
Term Dates For Current And Upcoming School Years
School development days (pupil free days) occur at the beginning of Terms 1, 2 and 3 and the last two days of the school year. Check with your school, as schools may vary some of these dates.
School speed zones operate on all notified school days, including school development days.
Term 1
Tuesday 30 January – Friday 12 April
Term 2
Monday 29 April – Friday 5 July
Term 3
Monday 22 July – Friday 27 September
Term 4
Monday 14 October – Friday 20 December
Term 1
Friday 31 January – Friday 11 April
Term 2
Monday 28 April – Friday 4 July
Term 3
Monday 21 July – Friday 26 September
Term 4
Monday 13 October – Friday 19 December